Useful Birding Links

How to Look at Birds

Birding, as an activity, is basically deliberate birdwatching. Birdwatching is the more common term among non-birders, but birding is preferred among many because observing birds is as often a matter of listening as of watching. It's also a syllable shorter, so it's the term I tend to use. Adding a new species to one's "Life List" is the driving goal in many birding excursions. This log serves as my Life List and as my aspirational catalog; it features every bird on the ABA’s North American region checklist besides those which are extinct or only ever present as a fluke. I suppose if I ever do see a fluke vagrant, or travel overseas and see some bird there, I’ll have to add those manually. I don’t mean just to brag, though, so every bird I’ve seen, I’ll write some notes and ID tips on it; click on any bird with a little feather icon next to it to see these notes. I’m also keeping a log of notable sightings and birding outings, a (non-exhaustive) birding journal.

ABA Region Checklist


Notable Sightings